Der Englisch lernen Podcast

Der Englisch lernen Podcast

Your Podcast for smarter and more professional English


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Welcome to speed learning English your podcast for smarter and more professional English hi Richard Harrison how are you I'm fine because I am absolutely delighted here in my hand. I'm holding my first English educational novel I wrote about that's great and and yes, this was quite challenging for me, but finally I made it and I would like to talk about this book today because it's and it's quiet is something special for me. It's is the first novel of the series of in order to get the form that I'm planning that I'm working on at the moment. The second one is already in work and yeah it's called human milk that's that's that's that's nice title why did you choose human milk well couple of years, I came across articles and reports about how very cows are held are kept in the stables and the treatment of cows and other animals to produce dairy products sold like butter your goat milk, etc. and I thought what would happen if we treated human beings the same so the idea of that book is that the young woman named Jenny and is a little bit bad luck and she comes into the arms of the mother milk or breast milk Mafia, so she will she come to the sanatorium where she is paid for giving her breast milk and she believes that the milk goes to two babies because she lost her baby. And this is what I can say without telling too much about the story she lost her baby in the beginning and is completely down and suicidal and then somebody asked her for help because there was not. There's another baby. Apparently that needs milk because the mother can't breast-feed the little one, and she is willing to pay her a very good price for that and due to her despair. She agrees and she is brought into a very lecturers sanatorium and leaves the very lectures life and does this for a couple of month and, yes, and then she tries to get out of that sanatorium again, which is nearly impossible for so this is the story and from the sanatorium. There are only women were paid for producing milk. Breast milk and they believe that the noodles two babies, but in fact it's for a very high pricing industry that says butter ice cream in your court, etc. that are as amazing so is this a novel based on the real story or is it just some just the normal level will I hope it's only my fiction and I hope it's only a story that that was in my mind because and if this is mother milk forms like this will exist somewhere in the world. I hope that any investigative journalist would have discovered this, but in fact and of course I came I came across while writing this this novel across the question how how can a woman escape from this and and I spoke to my wife and I said okay what what could be an option. How would you consider and she said well I think should probably start to to have a love affair with somebody you can help her out, but I found this was to say, women are more intelligent than just starting the process to solve problems between learning and and she she discovers that she there is an option which is absolutely and yeah, the point is if if you take the whole situation to the end like a cow. What happens to her: she can give milk anymore. She's killed in the same the same happens in the sanatorium so the women that are coming to menopause will have to donate their organs and in most of the women who are there regardless is a good idea because they they believe that they have the chance to live a great life without any pain without any problems without any disappointments without any man who treat them badly. They just have a great time to a good job and in the end being completely healthy. They just, and the life and you believe this little blue planet. The other option is if you will surly the sanatorium she has to find two women to replace or so. This is where she's struggling and yeah so I want I want Kelly anything more about the content because that's the big dilemma. She then either find two women to replace or or stay there until the life is over. That's that's that's that's my story and deteriorated from the cells of PERSPECTIVE of dystopia, not at all in fact and in the English version will be in England and in Cornwall and London in the early some some real places that you can find them and turn. Actually I'm working on the translation at the moment because I started with English translated English version and which is published now and now I'm translating it and changing it in pieces because it will be a typical it will be in minds saw the story of the German version will be in minds here in our area and there will be a lot of similarities like an minds are demolished are likely to find guards like the winter harbor, etc. so many many things that you find your answer will include more milk products. You know, we have great ice cream and an minds which is not produced and by breastmilk we will never know, but the price copy and so but the focus has turned to two aspects. The first aspect is of course entertaining, thrilling and and just amusing and being being some some good investigation no not investigation a good investment for the reader and the other thing of course is to make the reader think about the consumption of milk itself because it's it is in fact crazy from my personal point of view. The way how how many products we consume that contain milk how that notice is produced and how even mean if we if you don't want to talk about how the cows are treated or how the animals are treated. We can talk about how the farmers are treated so it's the it's somehow it's it's really really insane from my point of view about from that is not noted. All good for health because milk that is produced that way is scientifically proved couple of damages to human bodies, and it is a big environmental problem because of the rain first that is cut down to build story and to feed it to to the animals and you probably know all these chain reactions that happen there and apart from that, if you issue, calculate the water that you need to breathe the cows and the food that you and the in the areas of agricultural land that has to be used if you would use all these things to produce food for humans and would be probably better idea, yes… The first is the first book and as everybody knows, if a woman becomes pregnant to produce breastmilk. There is also a side effect, as it said in this in this book. The side effect is a baby and the book ends with the phrase let me and so just let me let me read if you so for the beginning the book starts like she screamed the cell phone fell out of her hands. She tried picking it up as she hurriedly dashed out of the house. The sky became gray and hazy to Jenny as she approached the scene of the accident, his body laid upon the stretcher. The paramedic practitioner pronounced in that, just as she ran towards his body, she posted was simply unbelievable. Tears dropped from her eyes and mouth torn wide open world crumbled as those words sunk into her ear. Immediately she fainted and fell to the ground. This is how the nightmare began to this was written on the book and turn the lands with an Russian mogul wants to will help this journey. In the end and turn case. So the last lines and what you say so is perplexed by his overthrow to him by the director before the director could think of any reply here that I don't understand your reason for declining a request to purchase two of the MPE is to start my form. Employees are milk producing elements. Are they the women are named in the book to the mogul wants to start his own farm is on breastmilk from the director chooses to answer currently having no duty, no ties, having noticed that the Russian mogul knew nothing about the modus operandi of the sanatorium. You know how nature work pregnancy caused biological waste. We have a good market for that officer. So if you know what I mean. In this case they have a market for the babies and this is going to be the next book. Okay – that's what I was about to ask what will happen to the ladies in this world. Let's say the I don't want to tell you the title of the next book because then you know what's going happen but that's for the moment up to the readers imagination sets and yeah but we're working on it and it should be about. By the end of the year secondary real relapse. That's a great cliffhanger. We can take that to the end of the urban and can forward to is what we that part of your questions about because I was asking about the dystopia because there are actually markets where the witnesses can sell their marks to the hours fascinated by the aspect that you brought up this dystopia because of a lot of little people talk about it because I know in our society, especially in Western Europe. We have a can of sexualized the breastmilk in a way that's not healthy. It's actually natural things are. That includes that we don't talk about a topic that women who are pregnant or were pregnant are actually selling the breastmilk and were not talking about it and we don't know for what they're doing or maybe there are not aware of them could be products like ice and made of breastmilk and I would believe that there are a lot of consumers who would buy this ice cream so when I was investigating about that topic during the creation of that novel I found that there are and three markets. The first market is breastmilk that you can purchase from somebody else to to give to your baby from because you feel that you don't want to do that because you can't do that or for any other reason. On the other market is the market of the pervert rule for 1 to 2 there really they really have an and places where they bring together Muslim man who would like to sick on the breast on the real rest and women were willing to do that to either be sexual stimulated themselves or getting paid for that and the third market is there is a huge collection of recipes for women who want to make pudding or ice cream or your court out of their breastmilk for the babies so we are not that far from from having another milk farm but it will probably not be in Cornwall but maybe in a journal where I can actually see Silicon Valley bring up an app where women who need the money or financial constraint for being willing to sell their perspective and receive marketing campaign where the company could normalize. And that that that offer that service and also love the aspect where you where you can of the highlights on the aspect that women when they are in the age of 30 she put it, and interpose menopause when they when they reached their menopause at their camp sorted out and exchange with other people without women and specially see that in some and TV TV TV stations all more or less in all, and occupation where you are in front of the camera will not always exchange when they hit certain age and it's it's it's it's it's the aspect that you said that 10 day in order not to be an illuminated draft to bring into our will and that kind of distance. The circle of an where women are hard to put it in what will come of work against each other but they're not actually realizing that they're working against each other, and because once you out of the system will perpetrate that system and I think that's that's highlighted that that aspect of real-world consequences play well and you never yes there are multiple other multiple aspects and in that novel and also the power of medical institutions because once you're in, and it's extremely hard to get out. Like for example even in a psychiatric hospital friend of mine was a pain patient and they they mixed the documents between her and and psychotic patients suffer psychotic patient came to the pain therapy sanatorium and and my friend was brought to the booby hatch so and only after two months when the pain sanatorium asked what kind of freak they had sent to him or to them and she had the chance to to get rid of that and yeah very special hospital. So there. Okay we are Richard so you see there's a lot of work to do and yeah so let's let's go find some milk. After that I will pass on the market so I might have replaced dairy products couple of years ago and we mostly drink almond milk or coconut milk or this kind of that's much better and more delicious and you can have all the same products. Whatever you like your letting the charter or your milk coffee or your your court or ice cream or whatever. Even with breastmilk. I understand and find some reason I buy the way up there is a personal breastmilk product shop mentioned in this book, and even this one does really exist. Okay now, thank you for listening and thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about my novel. My educational novel is a my thriller as I name it and you're looking forward to talking to you next time think is in and also look forward to touching examine the owners of last week Cindy Butler by

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