Der Englisch lernen Podcast

Der Englisch lernen Podcast

Your Podcast for smarter and more professional English


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00:00:00: Mach dich bereit für eine ganz besondere Erfahrung. Zeig der Welt, was du drauf hast.

00:00:08: Lerne Englisch mit Speed Learning.

00:00:12: Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu heutigen Podcastfolge für alle, die ein Abo an der Speed Learning International School haben,

00:00:22: für dieses Arbeiter-Training, um Englisch zu lernen.

00:00:25: Wir sind bei Video 44 und du kannst dir jetzt wieder überlegen, ob du dir die Texte runterladen möchtest von deinem Kurs,

00:00:36: um dem Ganzen zu folgen oder ob du zum Beispiel auch diesen Text wieder als Dickt hart verwenden möchtest,

00:00:43: um deine schriftlichen Fähigkeiten zu verbessern und sie anschließend mit dem Originaltext vergleichst.

00:00:48: Heute werde ich die Übung erst wieder demonstrieren. Danach hast du Zeit und Gelegenheit, um die Übung selbst zu machen.

00:00:55: Also schneide ich an, wir starten durch. Hier kommt wieder unser Arbeiter Jonathan.

00:01:03: Hallo Jonathan, how are you doing? How do you do?

00:01:07: Hello. Today we're going to practice some adjectives and the verbs from the previous videos.

00:01:12: Alright.

00:01:13: We'll start with simple questions first.

00:01:15: Okay.

00:01:16: Please just answer as you see fit.

00:01:18: Good.

00:01:19: I will give you a moment to answer following the question and then give two examples of answers.

00:01:23: Perfect.

00:01:24: If you are ready, then let and begin.

00:01:26: Let's begin.

00:01:27: Here comes the first question. Are your shoes old or new?

00:01:31: My shoes are new, nail new.

00:01:35: First answer choice. My shoes are old. Second answer choice. My shoes are new.

00:01:44: Second question. Do you feel old or young?

00:01:48: I feel so young, younger than ever.

00:01:51: First answer choice. I feel old. Second answer choice. I feel young. Third question. Do you usually go to bed early or late?

00:02:06: I usually go to bed, well late maybe.

00:02:10: First answer choice. I usually go to bed early. Second answer choice. I usually go to bed late.

00:02:20: Fourth question. Do you have a big nose or a small nose?

00:02:25: Well, I would say I have a normal nose, but otherwise I've got a big nose maybe.

00:02:29: First answer choice. I have a big nose. Second answer choice. I have a small nose. Fifth question. Do you see well or badly at night?

00:02:42: Well, I'm nearly blind at night to be honest. I see very badly.

00:02:47: First answer choice. I see well at night. Second answer choice. I see badly at night. Sixth question. Do you think an unconditional basic income is right or wrong?

00:03:01: Oh, I think an unconditional basic income is absolutely right.

00:03:06: First answer option. I think an unconditional basic income is right. Second answer choice. I think an unconditional basic income is wrong. Very good.

00:03:19: Now let's play with the adjectives a bit more. Just repeat after me.

00:03:24: I am older than my sister. I am older than my sister. That's by the way true.

00:03:29: But my brother is the oldest of the three of us. But my brother is the oldest of the three of us.

00:03:34: Michael is younger than Alex. Alex is younger than Maria. Alex is youngest of all. My colleague comes to the office later than me.

00:03:52: But our boss comes to the office the latest of all. That's typical stuff.

00:03:58: My father gets up earlier in the morning than I do. My mother gets up early in the morning than I do. Not anymore.

00:04:03: But my father gets up the earliest of all. My father gets up the latest, at all to be honest.

00:04:08: My house is bigger than my sister's. My house is bigger than my sister's.

00:04:13: But my brother has the biggest house in the village. My brother has the biggest house in the village.

00:04:18: My car is smaller than my parents car. My car is smaller than my parents car.

00:04:23: But my aunt has the smallest car in the world. I play the piano better than my neighbour.

00:04:33: But my uncle plays the best piano of all of us. My cousin plays football worse than me.

00:04:44: But my grandpa plays the worst football of all of us.

00:04:49: So, done for the day. Bye.

00:04:54: Also, du siehst jede Menge Potenzial.

00:04:59: Und am Ende auch die Vergleiche. Spiel ein bisschen damit rum. Variiere sie. Überlege dir Alternative.

00:05:08: Aussagen und adaptiere die Aussagen dann auch entsprechend so dass sie auf dein Leben einfach passen das heißt wenn du zwei Brüder hast dann

00:05:15: lasst die Schwester weg wenn du

00:05:18: zwei Schwester hast lasst den Bruder weg wenn dein Opa mittlerweile verstorben ist spielt er wahrscheinlich auch kein Fußball mehr unbedingt dann

00:05:25: ja

00:05:28: kombinier es einfach so wie du es für dich

00:05:31: vertreten kannst und versinnvoll hältst

00:05:33: jetzt hab viel Spaß und

00:05:37: Ja

00:05:39: Hallo

00:05:41: heute wir gehen zu praktischen some adjectives in the verbs from the previous videos

00:05:45: Wir start with simple questions first

00:05:48: please just answer as you see fit. I

00:05:51: will give you a moment to answer following the question and then give two examples of answers

00:05:57: if you are ready, then let and begin

00:05:59: Here comes the first question

00:06:02: Are your shoes old or new?

00:06:06: I

00:06:08: first answer choice

00:06:11: my shoes are old

00:06:13: second answer choice

00:06:16: my shoes are new

00:06:18: second question

00:06:20: Do you feel old or young?

00:06:22: first answer choice

00:06:28: I feel old

00:06:30: second answer choice

00:06:32: I feel young

00:06:34: third question

00:06:36: Do you usually go to bed early or late?

00:06:38: first answer choice

00:06:45: I usually go to bed early

00:06:47: second answer choice

00:06:49: I usually go to bed late

00:06:51: fourth question

00:06:54: Do you have a big nose or a small nose?

00:06:57: first answer choice

00:07:04: I have a big nose

00:07:06: second answer choice

00:07:08: I have a small nose

00:07:10: fifth question

00:07:13: Do you see well or badly at night?

00:07:15: first answer choice

00:07:21: I see well at night

00:07:23: second answer choice

00:07:25: I see badly at night

00:07:27: sixth question

00:07:29: Do you think an unconditional basic income is right?

00:07:32: or wrong?

00:07:34: first answer option

00:07:40: I think an unconditional basic income is right

00:07:42: second answer choice

00:07:46: I think an unconditional basic income is wrong

00:07:48: very good

00:07:52: now let's play with the adjectives a bit more

00:07:54: just repeat after me

00:07:56: I am older than my sister

00:08:01: but my brother is the oldest of the three of us

00:08:03: Michael is younger than Alex

00:08:08: Alex is younger than Maria

00:08:13: Alex is youngest of all

00:08:17: my colleague comes to the office later than me

00:08:22: but our boss comes to the office the latest of all

00:08:30: my mother gets up earlier in the morning than I do

00:08:33: but my father gets up the earliest of all

00:08:38: my house is bigger than my sister's

00:08:43: but my brother has the biggest house in the village

00:08:48: my car is smaller than my parents car

00:08:53: but my aunt has the smallest car in the world

00:08:58: I play the piano better than my neighbour

00:09:01: but my uncle plays the best piano of all of us

00:09:07: my cousin plays football worse than me

00:09:12: but my grandpa plays the worst football of all of us

00:09:18: so done for the day

00:09:23: bye

00:09:25: ok, jetzt zum Schluss noch Achtung, Werbung

00:09:28: falls du das komplette Programm möchtest, sprich die 100 häufigsten Ausdrücke

00:09:34: der englischen Sprache mit deutscher Übersetzung

00:09:37: das komplette Vokabelverzeichnis der ersten 100 Arbeitervideos

00:09:42: nach Häufigkeit, nach Frequenz sortiert

00:09:45: die kompletten PDF-Texte auf Englisch und auf Deutsch

00:09:48: für diese kompletten Videos, die Videos auf Englisch und auf Deutsch

00:09:53: dann holt ihr die MP3-Dateien zum Download

00:09:56: dann holt ihr für 25 berechtigte Euro im Monat

00:10:00: das Arbeiter-Training an der Speed Learning International School

00:10:04: den Link findest du in der Podcast-Beschreibung

00:10:07: Werbungende, wir hören uns beim nächsten Mal, viel Spaß

00:10:10: und danke fürs Teilen, fürs Weiterempfehlen fürs Buchen

00:10:13: und für großartige Bewertungen

About this podcast

Die meisten Menschen, die Englisch lernen haben ein großes Problem: Sie trauen sich nicht zu sprechen, auch wenn sie schon sehr viel verstehen, was sie lesen oder hören.

Wie kann man seine Sprachhemmung beim Englischsprechen überwinden?

Das wollte Sven Frank herausfinden und begann ein Testprojekt im Rahmen dieses Podcasts.

Die Idee: Was wäre, wenn die Lernenden anstatt mit richtigen Menschen mit einer künstlichen Intelligenz kommunizieren, um die verschiedenen Dialogsituationen zu trainieren.

Daraus entstanden ist das Avatar-Training im Rahmen des Fremdsprachenunterrichts an der Speedlearning School.

Dieser Podcast ist als Unterstützung zum Sprachtraining gedacht.

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Dann teste jetzt kostenlos unser Englischtraining:

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by Sven Frank


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