Der Englisch lernen Podcast

Der Englisch lernen Podcast

Your Podcast for smarter and more professional English


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00:00:00: Hello.

00:00:01: I have one more job posting for you.

00:00:04: This time it's about a job as a Tyler.

00:00:07: Listen carefully and answer the questions again at the end.

00:00:11: Here is the advertisement.

00:00:14: To strengthen our team at the Basel location, we are looking for you as a Tyler at the earliest

00:00:18: possible date.

00:00:20: We offer you a fully equipped service vehicle ankle.

00:00:23: Fuel card for all official journeys as well as.

00:00:26: 30 days holiday and the opportunity to work independently and close to home.

00:00:31: In addition, you will receive high quality tools, modern work equipment and work clothing

00:00:35: from well known manufacturers.

00:00:38: Our employment contracts are open ended with a crisis proof employer.

00:00:42: Your field of activity includes both the maintenance and restoration of insurance damage, as well

00:00:46: as the laying of wall and floor tiles, predominantly using the thin board method and the sealing

00:00:51: of wet areas.

00:00:53: Sealing against moisture in wet areas.

00:00:55: Your qualifications should be a completed vocational training as a Tyler or several

00:00:59: years of professional experience in this field as well as experience in the area of customer

00:01:04: service.

00:01:05: Flexibility ability to work independently.

00:01:09: Customer friendly, confident and well groomed appearance.

00:01:12: Are also a prerequisite.

00:01:15: You will also need a driving license and good written and spoken language skills.

00:01:20: So, get ready for the questions.

00:01:25: Where and when is the company looking for a Tyler?

00:01:32: Response.

00:01:33: The company is looking for a Tyler at the Basel location with a media to fact.

00:01:39: What is the company offering the employee?

00:01:41: [ Silence ]

00:01:51: The company offers the employee a fully equipped service vehicle including fuel card for all

00:01:57: business trips as well as 30 days of holiday, close to home and independent job execution.

00:02:03: In addition, the employee receives high quality tools, modern work equipment and work clothing

00:02:07: from renowned manufacturers.

00:02:11: Is the employment contract limited or unlimited?

00:02:17: Response The employment contract is offered for an

00:02:20: indefinite period.

00:02:23: What will be the field of activity of the recruiter?

00:02:35: Response The field of activity includes both the maintenance

00:02:39: and restoration of insurance damage, as well as the installation of wall tiles and floor

00:02:43: tiles, predominantly using the thin board method, and the waterproofing of wet areas.

00:02:49: Wetting against moisture in wet areas.

00:02:53: What qualifications does the applicant need?

00:03:06: Answer The qualification should be a completed vocational

00:03:10: training as a Tyler or several years of professional experience in this field as well as experience

00:03:15: in customer service.

00:03:18: Does the applicant need good language skills?

00:03:23: Response Yes, good spoken and written language skills

00:03:27: are also a requirement.

00:03:31: Capital Now nothing can go wrong for your new job.

00:03:35: In the next video you'll find another intermediate test.

00:03:39: You've already learned a lot and can be really proud of yourself.

About this podcast

Die meisten Menschen, die Englisch lernen haben ein großes Problem: Sie trauen sich nicht zu sprechen, auch wenn sie schon sehr viel verstehen, was sie lesen oder hören.

Wie kann man seine Sprachhemmung beim Englischsprechen überwinden?

Das wollte Sven Frank herausfinden und begann ein Testprojekt im Rahmen dieses Podcasts.

Die Idee: Was wäre, wenn die Lernenden anstatt mit richtigen Menschen mit einer künstlichen Intelligenz kommunizieren, um die verschiedenen Dialogsituationen zu trainieren.

Daraus entstanden ist das Avatar-Training im Rahmen des Fremdsprachenunterrichts an der Speedlearning School.

Dieser Podcast ist als Unterstützung zum Sprachtraining gedacht.

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Dann teste jetzt kostenlos unser Englischtraining:

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by Sven Frank


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